Rosi Griffin
Rosi Griffin’s current paintings represent a journey to the places that form part of her identity and the emotions and experiences associated with it. Places can have a very powerful influence in forming and understanding who we are. We can travel with our imagination and relive experiences just by looking at a map and compensate for the feeling of distance and displacement.
We all identify with places in a particular way and associate certain memories with it. Maps are an absolute necessity in our daily life, they allow us to travel and orientate ourselves.
These images are emotional maps without giving away any information about specific locations and therefore make no sense in the traditional way. Ultimately they are topographical brainteasers because you – the viewer wonders where you are; looking from above or within?
All characters and numbers that normally appear on a map have been eliminated and the images have turned into an interplay of how the place is perceived by the artist. All paintings have various layers of colour, like layers of memory, shapes and lines that accumulate into a mass. These works can be seen as maps of roads or highways, but they can also be seen as internal networks like blood vessels flowing through the human body.
The viewer can wander in these spaces, take any particular path, connect and diverge. There is no home, no departure point and no arrival point.